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Saylor PT Jupiter

Saylor Physical Therapy Jupiter

Medicare at saylor pt Cornelius


Saylor Physical Therapy is proud to announce that we are an In-Network Provider with MEDICARE.

Medicare patients are required to have a referral from their primary care physician for an appointment and our insurance specialist will also submit to your secondary insurance carrier if you have one.

For more information about your Medicare Coverage, please visit here.

Saylor Physical Therapy - -Jupiter

Schedule an appointment and we look forward to providing you with quality, individual, one-on-one care for one full hour.

"I attended Saylor Physical Therapy for 1 month and had a terrific experience there as I was visiting.The administrative staff were wonderful as was my physical therapist- Dr. Rob Pelaez. He was very knowledgeable, pleasant and great to work with and helped me tremendously. I would recommend Saylor to anyone in need of PT! I would rate the facility as A+!"

James H. - Jupiter

“My experience was wonderful … I loved the very personal and individualized therapy that was given to me by my therapist, Rob Pelaez Pt,DPT . The staff at the front desk were always friendly and the seaside theme of the office was very soothing . I can’t say enough good things about Rob .. he was always so nice and tried different exercises that would provide pain relief from my cervical radiculapothy. He also provided me with my home exercise plan that included all of the exercises we did there together .. I would definitely recommend going to Rob at Saylor Physical Therapy in Jupiter for a complete hour of “one on one “ therapy !!!"

Lynne G. - Jupiter

“I came to Saylor Physical Therapy with shoulder pain and lack of mobility in my left shoulder. I was taking medication for relief. After eight sessions I was no longer in pain and had increased my range of motion. Not only was the pain gone but I had exercises that I could continue on my own. When I started working with the therapist my goal was to no longer need medication for my pain and that goal was reached.”

Judy A. - Lake Mary

“I have really enjoyed my experience here at Saylor PT. Everyone was so nice to me from the first day I walked in. Eric Ford is a great person. He knows his stuff. I have come a long ways. I couldn’t even lift my arm when I first came. Thanks to Eric I can lift it over my head. I have all my motion now. I am so thankful that I came here. I will miss everyone.”

Teresa M. - Mooresville

Services at Saylor Physical Therapy Jupiter

Neck & Back

Shoulder, Elbow
& Hand Pain

Hip & Knee

Foot & Ankle

 Sports Therapy &
Injury Therapy


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Saylor PT Jupiter
345 Jupiter Lakes Blvd., Ste. 300,
Jupiter, FL 33458



P  561-529-2213  
F  561-529-2544



Mon  7 am–7 pm
Tues  7 am–7 pm
Wed  7 am–7 pm
Thu  7 am–7 pm
Fri  7 am–7 pm
Sat  Closed
Sun  Closed